The Art of Editing Speculative Fiction

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Join Editors Toronto on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 7:00 pm EST via Zoom for “The Art of Editing Speculative Fiction.”

This month, we delve into the unique challenges and techniques of editing speculative fiction. This talk will cover how editors shape intricate fantasy and sci-fi narratives—ensuring coherence in world-building, character development, and thematic depth—while maintaining the author’s original vision.

About the speaker

Lloyd Penney is a native and resident of Toronto who found the fun and insanity of fandom in late 1977 through a Star Trek club in Victoria, British Columbia. He moved back to Toronto for higher education and found fandom there too. He joined TAPA—the Toronto amateur press association—and the Ad Astra science fiction convention committee, and for the next 30 years held positions including dealer room chief, planning head, and eventually chairman. He has also been on committees for other conventions in Toronto (including as Smofcon chair), as well as in Ottawa, Buffalo, Rochester, and other locations. He has been connected with various Worldcon bids, including British bids and even the Yugoslavian bid in 1993, but in particular the Toronto bid for Worldcon 2003. 

He’s been involved with clubs and cons as well as with costuming and masquerade, and was a member of the Star Trek Welcommittee for 15 years. But his major current interest is in fanzines and the letter columns within, where he has been for more than 30 years.

Lloyd has won two Aurora Awards and five FAAn Awards over the years, and was nominated for a Hugo Award in the category of Best Fan Writer in 2010.

In 2018, he joined the masthead for the revived Amazing Stories magazine.

Date: Wednesday, November 29, 7:00–8:30 pm

Location: Zoom video conference

Branch/twig: Toronto

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