How to find an editor

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Are you looking for an editor? The Online Directory of Editors (ODE) might be the place to start. You can browse the whole directory or search for specific editors by name, subject area, genre, media, location, skills, level of experience, and working languages.

You can also post a position on our National Job Board for a fee. The board is only accessible to Editors Canada members. Only paid positions are posted; notices for volunteer work and jobs that pay on deferral are not posted. Please send your posting to

Types of editing

You may first want to read the definitions of different editorial skills and types of editors to assess what your project needs. For example, do you want an editor to suggest ways to clarify or reorganize your document, or do you want an editor to simply check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation? Further details on the different types of editing are available in Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards, which “define the knowledge, skills, and practices most commonly required for editing English-language material” and “clarify what is expected of Canadian editors and define the criteria against which their knowledge, skills, and practice can be measured.”

Finding the right fit

Once you’ve found an editor you might like to hire from the ODE, be sure to follow the link to their website for more information, if available, or contact them directly to ask for their resumé, work samples, and references. Before making a commitment, it’s helpful to provide a sample of your document or project, so that the editor may accurately estimate the scope of work, the price, and the time the project will take. Learn more about different resources offered by Editors Canada to help you determine what kind of editor you need and how to find the right editor.

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