Meetings and events | Branch meetings | Executive committee meetings
Please check the main Meetings and Events page for upcoming Editors Toronto branch meeting dates.
We record branch meetings and share them with registrants. You can also catch up by reading recap posts on BoldFace as they become available.
Meetings are free for members and available to non-members for a small registration fee.
Business meeting
We hold business meetings at least two times a year to give members a formal update on branch and national business and to discuss and vote on matters of importance. The branch secretary records the minutes of the business meeting, and the minutes are available to interested members. If you are a member and have a matter that you would like to bring up at the next business meeting, please contact the branch chair.
Minutes from the business meetings are available to members. Please contact the branch secretary if you would like to receive a copy of minutes from a previous meeting.
Member announcements
Members can send their news and updates to the programs chair ahead of each meeting to be announced.
Social media, creating contracts, indexing, editing graphic novels, self-publishing—these are just some of the topics we’ve covered in past programs. If you would like to suggest a speaker or topic for a future program, please contact the programs chair.